(949) 394-0607


Violence in Teen Dating Relationships

Violence in Teen Dating Relationships

It's scary, but true.  On occasion a teenager gets into a violent dating relationship.  We all tell our kids that if anyone ever lays a hand on them, the relationship should instantly be over.  However, teens are susceptible to the belief that someone can change....

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Treating Panic Disorder

Treating Panic Disorder

Your heart is racing. You're sweating. Your hands are tingling. You're struggling for breath. You feel dizzy and queasy. Your body is so out of control you feel certain you're having a heart attack.The number of visits to the emergency room because of a panic attack...

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Should I Let My Teenager Struggle?  When to Intervene

Should I Let My Teenager Struggle? When to Intervene

About a month ago my elementary aged daughter kept forgetting to bring home her homework.  At first I drove her back to school.  I told her comforting things like, "No worries.  Everyone makes mistakes."  Then it became a pattern.  I started to struggle with the...

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Tips for teens after leaving rehab

Tips for teens after leaving rehab

Leaving rehab is usually a celebratory time.  People discharge rehab feeling very strong and certain they will not relapse on drugs.  They have gone over and over what they need to do in order to stay sober.  Any good rehab will warn its clients how...

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Firm and Compassionate Parenting

Firm and Compassionate Parenting

Integrity is learned best by your example. Image courtesy of Teerapun / Parenting is a roller coaster for all of us. Last night my usually level-headed, even-keeled daughter lost her mind because I asked her not to use her brother's art supplies....

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Getting Out of a Bad Relationship

Getting Out of a Bad Relationship

You know you should break up with him. You know he's not a good human. You know you're lonely/unhappy/depressed with him. Why can't you end it? You ask yourself this on a regular basis. Your friends and family hate the relationship. Sigh. It's so hard.If you know you...

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Bad Relationship, Bad Emotional State

Bad Relationship, Bad Emotional State

Ryan...oh Ryan. I so badly wanted you to make me first. I so badly wanted you to dedicate yourself to me the way I was dedicating myself to you. Instead you dangled the carrot just enough to keep me hanging on. I was never in first place. There was always the promise...

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Teen Girls’ Concern With Their Weight

Teen Girls’ Concern With Their Weight

Are you worried your daughter is overly concerned with her weight?  You're not alone.  Studies have shows teenage girls are dissatisfied with their bodies at a rate ranging from 50% to as high as 90%.  It's distressing to think that many adolescents...

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Overcoming School Dread

Overcoming School Dread

You know that feeling you have the night before a school week? I get that feeling too. I think I've got the trick to get past it and hopefully it will help you too! Helping teens grow and families improve connection, Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

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Tips for Keeping Teens Safe This Halloween

Tips for Keeping Teens Safe This Halloween

Halloween is on a Thursday.  This is an "uh-oh" for a lot of parents of teenagers.  Many of you have teens who are going to help you pass out candy, or just have a couple of friends over to watch horror movies.  That's awesome!  Those sound like really healthy, safe...

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Hello, I’m Lauren! If you notice your teen struggling, you might be feeling helpless, hopeless, frustrated or concerned as a parent.  Try to remember, there is hopeI want to help your adolescent feel better.  My hope is for them to enjoy their life again.  I want them to feel confident they can handle whatever situations arise.

For Teens

Online Therapy