Getting better grades may seem tough, but if you apply these tips you can succeed! Put work into school and you will be rewarded. You got this!
Treatment for Teens with OCD
OCD is hard on everyone in the house. It causes you stress, your teenager stress, and is difficult for everyone else too. The good news is that OCD is beatable!
Close Relationship with your Teen
When great parents raise their children, there are several important things they do that create a close relationship between them and their teen. Here’s what I notice they do…
Telehealth Therapy for Teens
There are a lot of teens who benefit from videoconferencing sessions just as much as the traditional face-to-face sessions.
When to Send Your Teen to Rehab
Knowing when to send your teen to rehab is hard, and if you’re at this point with your child, my heart goes out to you. You are loving your teenager well even though sending them to rehab is the last thing you feel like doing.
Criticized Teens
Don’t lose your relationship with your teen because they feel criticized by you, and you feel disrespected by them. Work on having fun with them.
Teen Happiness
Are teenagers correct in thinking you should do whatever feels good in the moment? Are we parents right, who think living should be for our future happiness and goals? Could we both be wrong?
Teen Burnout
You want them to be able to seize every opportunity that comes their way and do well in life. These motivations, while good-intentioned, can sometimes lead to teen burnout.
Better Study Habits: 5 Tips to Improve
Struggle through your homework and you will go on to win. Better study habits are one step in the road to success.
Teen Social Media
Managing Social Media with Teens Social media keeps your teen connected to friends.Image courtesy of Ambro / Social media is a game-changer for teenagers. It is so different than when we were kids. It has both negatives and positives, and...