Taking tests is a miserable process for a lot of teenagers. They feel nervous, overwhelmed, and stressed out. There is a lot of pressure to do well, but it is really hard for some people to relax enough to let their mind work. Here are some tips and tricks that can...
Successful Back to School
I had a client who was a mediocre student. Her parents worked really hard to help her improve her academics. They studied with her. They paid for tutors, and even obtained a 504 plan from the school district. Things got a little bit better for her, but not...
How To Get Your Teen To Take Your Advice
Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
Back to School Anxiety
This is a time of year when I suddenly get an upswing in calls from parents worried about their teenager's anxiety level. Right around the time kids have to go back to school, things start to stress them out. It makes sense, they are about to have social...
Abusive Teen Relationships
Relationship abuse is more common than we like to think. Violence between partners is about control, separation from all other sources of support, a confused sense of what love is. For victims leaving these relationships can be nearly impossible. Please listen to this...
Discipline, Don’t Punish
It's not easy, but disciplining your teenager will always yield benefits in their life; punishment will leave a residue of bitterness. Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
Teaching Teens to be Inclusive
Today I was at the park with my daughter. We saw our neighbors there. They had their 6 year old daughter, a cousin of about the same age, and were meeting a friend who also had a 6 year old daughter. While the three girls were playing together, another mom brought...
Helping Your Teen’s Confidence
Instilling confidence in your teenager is a challenging proposition. One of the primary places they develop confidence is through their relationship with their parents. When a parent does too much for the teen, it hurts their ability to believe in their own...
Importance of Fathers
Dads are tremendously important. Image courtesy of photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net I listened to a talk by Dr. Warren Farrell on boys growing up in our current society. He was insightful and interesting. He has done extensive research and study on the topic of...
Do I call a psychiatrist?
First of all, a lot of people do not know the difference between a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor and therapist. Let me start by clarifying what those terms mean. Counselor is the most general term. It can refer to a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist....