Adolescent females have been shown to benefit from being athletes for a number of reasons. Some of my favorites include the development of fortitude, and work ethic. I also love the stat showing teen female athletes become sexually active later than their non-athletic...
Self-Acceptance: Is It Ever An Excuse?
There's a fine line between accepting who you are, and taking that too far. If we're really honest with ourselves we all will admit we use the excuse, "That's just the way I am," when we don't want to face something ugly about ourselves. Helping teens grow and...
Good morals or fitting in…A teenager’s dilemma
What do you do if your family is raising you to be a certain way, but your peers want you to be something else? Your family has taught you to be responsible, kind, caring, respectful, avoid curse words, tell the truth, be honorable, try hard in school, etc. Your...
Porn Addiction In Teenagers
More and more teens are engaging in pornography use. The majority of the use seems to be on their phones. Adolescents are very private about their cell phones. It is harder for parents to monitor what they search than when there was a family...
Levels of Care In Mental Health
There are many levels of care in mental health. What are they and which is right for you? That is often a challenging question. Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
Teens Earning Their Way
I sat with a client in the past week who is just now facing the harsh realization that life requires work. I really felt for this person because things have always been handed to them, and suddenly that is going to stop. This person really doesn't know how to manage...
Raising Teens in a Liberal Culture
Times they are a changin'. Some of these changes don't bother you as a parent. Other changes make you uncomfortable. You wish you could raise your kids in another era. While I'm sure this is true of all generations, technology and social/moral changes are so rapid now...
Teens “hooking up”- No, It’s Not Okay
In a culture that has the shortest attention span in recent history, it's no surprise our teens are "hooking up" more often than they're dating. Parents, this should scare the bejeezus out of you! It scares me to death and I'm not even fearing for my own child...
Calling CPS (One of a therapist’s most dreaded tasks)
I've never commented on this as far as I can remember. It's not something I am called on to do with any regularity. It is one of the most universally hated parts of a therapist's job. What is it? Calling child protective services.Here's why: Helping teens grow and...
Marijuana Addiction in Teens
People have a hard time believing marijuana is addictive. Indeed, for many people it is not. It is similar to alcohol in that most people who use it do not become dependent. Most can use it in a social, recreational situation. However, like alcohol, there are some...