(949) 394-0607


Discipline By Leading

Discipline By Leading

Occasionally you need to come down hard on your child for a transgression, but if you are doing this daily then you are an ineffective disciplinarian. Sure you might be getting compliance. People will comply out of fear. Given the first opportunity though, they will...

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3 Keys to a Great Summer

3 Keys to a Great Summer

This summer can be amazing with your teenager! You can help him grow and develop his character. You will have to be an intentional parent, but you can do it! Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

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Help With Depression For Teens

Help With Depression For Teens

One of the simplest things you can do to help your teen combat mild depression is to help them be more selfless.  These days the commonly held belief is that we all need to work on ourselves; we need to take time out for ourselves; we need to focus on our own internal...

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How Mindfulness Can Help Anxiety

How Mindfulness Can Help Anxiety

Mindfulness is choosing to exist differently.  It means you are very intentional about experiencing the present moment.  You also have to experience it without self-judgement.  It often looks like savoring your present moment and finding things to be...

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Help for Chronic Worry

Help for Chronic Worry

The Bible has a lot to say about worry...namely that you shouldn't. Here I share some words from Jesus that are truly wise when it comes to letting go of what you can't control, and what you don't need to try to control. Helping teens grow and families improve...

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Feeding the Teenage Mind

Feeding the Teenage Mind

Without meaning to, we've let our kids fill their minds with intellectual junk food.  We are taught to be very careful about what we eat so that we can keep our physical bodies healthy.  In our culture though, we don't pay a lot of attention to feeding our...

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Dads- You Matter to Your Daughter

Dads- You Matter to Your Daughter

Dad, do you feel irrelevant in her life? Do you feel like she's only bonded with mom? Do you feel like your daughter doesn't care what you think, or that she doesn't want to spend time with you? The research says she needs you. Here's why: Helping teens grow and...

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Teen sobriety requires a change in friends

Teen sobriety requires a change in friends

While this is not California, the statistics from this article are still very interesting to think about. In the state of New Jersey it has been found that mandating...

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Becoming Self-Confident

Becoming Self-Confident

If you want to be more self-assured, self-confident, have a higher self-esteem, and a better sense of self, then you need to stop focusing on yourself. What? You must be joking, right?No, I'm serious. When you want to work on yourself all the time, it is harder to...

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Have an anxiety-free day

Have an anxiety-free day

Living anxiety-free means actively making choices to have less stress.  Everything about our lives is fast, and intense.  We're always trying to get ahead.  We want the best grades for our teenagers so they can get into the best schools.  We push them into a lot of...

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(949) 394-0607

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Hello, I’m Lauren! If you notice your teen struggling, you might be feeling helpless, hopeless, frustrated or concerned as a parent.  Try to remember, there is hopeI want to help your adolescent feel better.  My hope is for them to enjoy their life again.  I want them to feel confident they can handle whatever situations arise.

For Teens

Online Therapy