(949) 394-0607


Teen Phone Addiction (And Other Issues)

Teen Phone Addiction (And Other Issues)

Disciplining Teens Effectively Teen phone addiction is a growing problem, and it sometimes requires consequences to break the cycle. When your kids are little giving consequences is easy.  You sit them in time-out for a few minutes if they misbehave.  If your kids are...

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Developing a Secure Attachment with Your Teen

Developing a Secure Attachment with Your Teen

What is a "secure attachment?" Attachment theory has been around for a long time. It is based on research originally done by Mary Ainsworth. It was an advancement of a theory created by John Bowlby's observations. But really, you probably don't care as much about the...

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Listening Really Is An Art

Listening Really Is An Art

Parents who listen can help the relationship. Credit: David Castillo Dominici via Through conversations with teens this week I have come to believe most of us don't listen to them. I know that's cliche. I also happen to think it's true. We don't...

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Medication Advice from a Client, and Loneliness at School

Medication Advice from a Client, and Loneliness at School

Taking and storing mental health medication properly is extremely important. Image courtesy of marin at With permission, I pass on words of wisdom from a client. This person wants all of you to know that she wasn't attentive in how she stored her...

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Group Therapy for Teens

Group Therapy for Teens

Hooray! We now have in-person group therapy! This has been a long time coming. Many teens benefit from hearing what their peers have to say (when an adult is present to moderate). This is such a nice option to offer for your families because some teens have things to...

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Update on PTSD Treatment

Update on PTSD Treatment

Last month was kind enough to offer a free class on treatment for PTSD in veterans in honor of Veteran's Day. I learned so much from this class that I've changed my strategy in dealing with trauma in general. While we rarely work with veterans at Teen...

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Eating Disorder Treatment for Teens

Eating Disorder Treatment for Teens

Eating disorders are so nasty! They are cruel, unkind, and abusive to their victims. They take over a person's relationships, personality, ambitions, and dreams until you find your teen is a shell of her former self. I should know...I had one for 7 years. Now I help...

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Isolation at School

I have heard more isolation stories from clients starting school last week than in all my previous years of practice (14). One teen told me how she plans to sit in the library for lunch. Another told me he is never invited to anything with his so-called "friends." A...

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Hello, I’m Lauren! If you notice your teen struggling, you might be feeling helpless, hopeless, frustrated or concerned as a parent.  Try to remember, there is hopeI want to help your adolescent feel better.  My hope is for them to enjoy their life again.  I want them to feel confident they can handle whatever situations arise.

For Teens

Online Therapy