Fifteen years ago a 16 year old boy was approached by an acquaintance at school (We'll call him John). The 16 year old had a reputation in his high school as the kid to go to if you wanted to try a new drug. John sought out the 16 year old and asked if they could hang...
We have so much to be grateful for. It is incredible that we can live in a country with so much freedom. God truly blessed each and every one of us in ways we take for granted every single day. Even having clean water and enough to eat is not a given...
What Does Teen Depression Look Like?
Teen depression can look a bit different from adult depression. In teenagers you might see more of a general irritability. Adults typically notice they feel depressed because their dominant mood is sad. Sometimes adolescent depression presents as sadness, but just...
Clarifying Morals for your Teenager
"So I totally think it's fine to steal from Target because they're a big corporation. I mean, who is it really hurting? They make tons of profits and they're just greedy anyways." This is something I heard straight from the mouth of a teenage client a few weeks ago....
Teen Girls and Eating Disorders
Parents of teenagers call me for a number of varying concerns, one of which is that their daughter has an eating disorder. Once in counseling for any reason, girls frequently reveal they believe they are fat. Of the girls who believe they are fat, a significant...
Why Teens Need Their Sleep
Why Teens Need Their Sleep: 1. It helps them concentrate in school. 2. It keeps their moods more even. 3. It keeps the immune system strong. 4. They have more energy. 5. It reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. 6. Teens who are sleep-deprived eat more junk food....
Connecting With Teens Instead of Only Disciplining
I am enrolled in an 8 week class on how to help parents of adopted children connect better as they bring the new child into their home. While I don't have any adopted children (hats off to those of you who do- what a loving and selfless act), I have gleaned some very...
Facing a Phobia the Gradual Way
As promised, here is a discussion on how to face a phobia gradually: Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
Overcoming Simple Phobias
Photo Credit: Stuart Miles/ I have dealt with two simple phobias in my lifetime, and both terrified me enough to significantly alter my behavior and well-being. One was a fear of sleeping at other people's houses and one was a fear of vomiting. I...
Teen Depression
Hi everyone, I have been receiving a lot of calls from parents worried their teenagers have depression.Teenagers who are facing depression can show it in a variety of ways. Your teenager might be irritable. While he used to like to come hang around you, now he only...