Hi everyone, I have been receiving a lot of calls from parents worried their teenagers have depression.Teenagers who are facing depression can show it in a variety of ways. Your teenager might be irritable. While he used to like to come hang around you, now he only...
Work Together As Parents
Yes therapists can be hypocrites. Here's my admission of guilt and my hope that you don't repeat my mistake: Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
OCD: Intrusive Thought or Realistic Thought?
I once had an OCD client who had a teacher yell at her. She became fearful of this teacher and started having obsessive thoughts he would pull her out of class to threaten or scold her. Because he had yelled at her once, her obsession was based on a good-sized kernel...
Helping Teens Cope with Academic School Stress
One thing all adolescents have in common is that at some point or another school stresses them out. They are given an assignment that really stretches them, or have to make a certain grade on a final exam to get a passing grade in a class. Every kid runs up against...
Contentedness and the High Achiever
Do you have a high achieving teen? Awesome! It's so nice for those of you who parent teenagers that compulsively do all their homework, keep up in sports or other extra-curricular activities, and generally try to do the right thing. These are also usually...
Catch Your Teen Being Good
When I was an intern my supervisor used to tell me one of her favorite pieces of advice to give parents was to, "Catch your kid being good." She'd say that so often by the time a parent brings their child into counseling, they are at their wits end with their...
Help for Teen OCD
Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz's book, Brain Lock, is a wonderful tool for those suffering from OCD. I've reviewed the book in this short video. Helping teen grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
Thank You Teenagers
Sometimes you teach me. You have been incredible throughout quarantine. Teenagers, you've been honest with your disappointment, loneliness and sadness, but you've also been amazingly resilient. Every one of you I've seen in therapy in the last two months have...
5 Things That Raise Your Teen’s Anxiety
These are in random order: 1. The news: Your teenagers are susceptible to the scare tactics used by the media just as much as everyone else. What I mean by scare tactics is that bad news and anxiety cause people to continue watching the news. In my office I have...
Teaching Teens to be Thankful
Considering we're all stuck at home during this COVID-19 crisis, posting about thankfulness feels important. Without thankfulness each of us will spend our time wishing for things to be normal. Since this day only happens once, there's no sense in focusing on what...