Every teen feels concerned with what others think, especially about looks. This can't be helped. It's part of human nature.This week I felt like a teenager because of a big, crazy set of stitches on my lip that look like a really bad cold sore. Everywhere I went it...
Why Adolescents Need Rules (if they’re the right kind)
Parents, there are some of you who give your teenagers rules and consequences, but are very fair about it. Bravo! Keep it up. There are some of you who have completely rigid rules for your teenagers. You are grounding them all the time, and your adolescent can't...
The Teenage Christian
Because I am very serious about my Christian faith I tend to get referrals from churches and families seeking a therapist who is also a Christian. I would estimate though that at least half of the teenagers I work with are either of a different faith, or do not...
Avoidance Fuels Anxiety
Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
Happiness eludes many of us. Listen to this brief story of how Dr. Martin Seligman determined to become a happy person. His research has shaped what we know about happiness and how we have the power to increase our feelings of positivity and happiness. Helping teens...
Help for school anxiety
For some teenagers, school is exciting. They cannot wait to see friends, and really don't even mind being in class. If you're reading this though, that is probably not your kid. For a lot of adolescents, Monday is the worst day of the week. Going to school is...
High School Dating
Dear teenagers, Dating in high school is a challenge no matter who you are. You might be the captain of the cheer team, and have more dating opportunities than you want. You might be the guy who is so shy you can't talk to a girl even if it's just to ask what the...
Tips for Teens: Social Stress at School
The social aspects of school are difficult. They often leave teens feeling overwhelmed and nervous. It is hard to navigate being in middle or high school when it feels difficult to make and keep friends. Helping teens grow and families improve connection,Lauren...
What to do if my teen is “sexting”
Sexting among teens is false intimacy Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Sexting is happening much more often than you think. I have been completely SHOCKED as a therapist for teens at how frequently teens are texting sexy messages to one...
Using Mindfulness for Calm
Help reduce anxiety for your teens with a simple grounding exercise. I quickly demonstrate it in this short video. You will want to walk them through this more slowly, but you will easily understand the concept. Helping teens grow and families improve...