(949) 394-0607


How to Argue Effectively With Your Teenager

How to Argue Effectively With Your Teenager

To argue effectively with your teenager, you both have to be listening.  It doesn't do a lot of good just to try and overpower each other.  Here's the mistake a lot of teens and parents both make when they are disagreeing: they continue to restate the same point...

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For The Rejected Teen

For The Rejected Teen

Your pain is real and your pain is intense.  School is a place of special torture for you.  You don't feel emotionally safe among your peers.  You wait for someone to make a degrading comment or not even notice you at all.  You feel as though nobody would care if you...

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Physical Affection Helps Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Physical Affection Helps Reduce Anxiety and Depression

It has been said that you need affectionate physical contact approximately ten times per day for your well-being.  Does your teenager get that?  If you've noticed your teen feeling anxious or depressed lately, you might ask yourself this question.  Some teens hug...

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A Tip for Getting “Unstuck”

A Tip for Getting “Unstuck”

Do you ever feel like you can't find a good solution for a problem?  You've tried and you've tried to fix something but it continues to challenge you.  One example of this might be losing weight.  You've tried a lot of diets and exercise plans, but you simply cannot...

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Seek to Be Significant

Seek to Be Significant

Today in church I heard a great little tidbit from Pastor Rick Warren.  He said, "Seek to be significant, not prominent."  I thought that was extremely applicable to the teenagers here in Orange County.  We're trained to differentiate ourselves, be a leader, and try...

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5 Things That Increase Anxiety

5 Things That Increase Anxiety

Anxiety sucks!  It's the constant worry about things out of one's control.  It can be physical too.  Do you ever have those days where your body is irritated or agitated for no good reason?   Helping teens grow and families improve connection, Lauren Goodman, MS,...

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Is Your Teenager Sleeping Enough?

Is Your Teenager Sleeping Enough?

School, sports, homework, social life, texting...these are all things that get prioritized above your teenager's sleep.  There honestly is enough time in a day to accomplish all these goals, but barely.  If your adolescent isn't carefully managing his or her schedule,...

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Call 911 If Your Friend Drinks Too Much Or ODs

Call 911 If Your Friend Drinks Too Much Or ODs

Teenagers, this post is addressed to you.  Some of you aren't aware if one of your friends has had too much to drink or has overdosed on drugs, but others of you can tell.  For those of you who can tell, you may fear calling an ambulance or dropping a friend at the...

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Building Solid Friendships

Building Solid Friendships

For some of you, you have had the same core group of friends ever since you started school.  Your group is so tight-knit that hardly anyone new joins and hardly anyone leaves.   There are also some of you who have that one best friend.  You have been best friends...

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Time with Our Teens is Short

Time with Our Teens is Short

If your child is already a teenager then your days with them are numbered.  It won't be long until your teen strikes out on his or her own.  At that point your relationships changes.  I don't say this to be a Debbie Downer.  I want you to be intentional with your...

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(949) 394-0607

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Hello, I’m Lauren! If you notice your teen struggling, you might be feeling helpless, hopeless, frustrated or concerned as a parent.  Try to remember, there is hopeI want to help your adolescent feel better.  My hope is for them to enjoy their life again.  I want them to feel confident they can handle whatever situations arise.

For Teens

Online Therapy