If your child is already a teenager then your days with them are numbered. It won't be long until your teen strikes out on his or her own. At that point your relationships changes. I don't say this to be a Debbie Downer. I want you to be intentional with your...
Molly is the new Ecstasy- Molly Abuse on the Rise
The use of "Molly" is on the rise. I've even encountered several teens coming through my office that have abused the drug. This is scary because it is MUCH more dangerous than they realize. If you see your teenager texting about it, or overhear them talking about...
Teaching Self-Discipline to Teens
In therapy I have many conversations with teens about character qualities they need to develop in order to be functional adults. While conversations are helpful, lessons are better "caught, not taught." Mom and Dad, you are in a better position to reinforce...
Treating Anxiety Disorders
This past week I met with a psychologist who specializes solely in the treatment of anxiety disorders. He had some really interesting things to say, and I paraphrased a couple of them in this video. The bottom line though is that you CAN'T give up when you're facing...
An App for Alcohol Withdrawal Tremors
It's still in its early phases of testing, but one Toronto Emergency Room has put ER doctors on the path to reducing prescriptions given to "med seeking" patients. A fair number of patients who go to see a doctor fake pain or illness in order to obtain a...
How To Connect Better With Your Teen
Teenagers like it when you listen. They will talk if you can refrain from judging or interrupting the things they would like to share with you. Helping teens grow and families improve connection, Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
Marijuana Use in Teens
Marijuana is everywhere. If your teenager isn't using it, they know at least five other adolescents who are. Teenagers have a very lackadaisical attitude towards the drug. They generally don't think much about the physical health consequences of inhaling smoke/vape...
Codependency in teenagers- when to end a relationship
Every week in my counseling office, I sit across the room from at least one Orange County teenager who is struggling with codependency. They do not usually realize this is their struggle. Their parents call me because their child is feeling a lot of anxiety, or has...
Back to School Anxiety
It's hard to go back to school if you feel nervous about it. It's even harder if you have full on anxiety. Helping teens grow and families improve connection, Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
How to End a Codependent Relationship
Ending a relationship in which you get a lot of your value from helping someone who does not necessarily want help is a huge challenge. You believe this person would fall apart without you. They might tell you things like, "I will kill myself if you ever break up...