Learn how to strengthen your relationship with your teen. Discover effective ways to connect, communicate, and build trust.
Sibling Relationships: How to Strengthen Them
Importantly, hold on to hope because even siblings who do not get along as children often develop a special closeness as adults.
Anxiety Help for Teens
Find anxiety help tailored for teens. Learn to cope with and reduce anxiety in various situations, from school stress to social pressures.
Parenting A Teen
Discover effective strategies for parenting a teen with grace and affection. Learn how to navigate the challenges of parenting adolescents.
Improving Sleep Habits in Teens: Importance of Teen Sleep
Importance of teen sleep: Know why adequate sleep is crucial for memory, well-being, & immune function.
Entitlement In Adolescents
Combatting entitlement in adolescents helps reduce depression and increase joy.
Happiness for Teens
You and your teen can find more happiness.
Help for Teen Depression
Looking for help with teen depression? Thankfulness, faith, and joy are the beginning of the journey back to well-being.
Overwhelmed Teen in a Busy Age
Teenagers feel overwhelmed by thoughts, busyness, and the pressures of life.
Teen Sleep: How and Why This Must Improve
Importance of Good Sleep I'm bringing up teen sleeping habits because I hear parents express concern over this in my therapy office all the time. I have to admit, how well and how consistently your adolescent sleeps is a really big deal. Good sleep has very strong...