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Teens can burn out and become exhausted. Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /
Teens can burn out and become exhausted.
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

 Why Teens Burnout 

If a teen has too many responsibilities, it’s only a matter of time before they experience teen burnout. It’s important to push your teenager, but how far should you go when doing this? 

Things that Cause Teens to Burnout

  1. 1. Overscheduling 
    2. Too many advanced classes
    3. Obsessive screen time (wasting time on social media addiction)
    4. Overtraining in sports

Why Do I Push My Teen? 

In the bottom of their heart, your teen knows how deeply you love them. They understand that you push them to go above and beyond for a reason. You want them to be able to seize every opportunity that comes their way and do well in life. These motivations, while good-intentioned, can sometimes lead to teen burnout. 

How Much is too Much? 

However, teens can only handle so much before it starts to burn them out. As you know, it’s easy to start making constant commitments and keep your adolescent in lots of different extra-curricular activities. These commitments are important, but are they so important that they come at the expense of your teen feeling tired and burned out?  

 Teens that Burn Themselves Out 

Then again, some teens put too much pressure on themselves. Mabye your child wants to take another AP class, play another sport, or join another club.  In this case, it’s up to you to say no sometimes. Even though what your teen wants to get involved in are all good things, you have to help them stay balanced. This is one great way to avoid teen burnout. 

Growing with Your Teen 

Teenagers are still children. They are becoming adults, but they are still young. They need time to play, rest, socialize, and regroup. If we allow or require teens to be overly busy, they’ll burn out. The great thing about removing some of the demands placed on your kids is that you will have more opportunity to spend time with them. They’re about to launch into their own life. With you transitioning more and more into the role of a guide, they will feel safe to explore. Eventually they will really appreciate you for it. 


Helping teens grow and families improve connection, 

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT