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teen, adolescent, social struggles, social anxiety, hiding
Some teens socially isolate because they feel so awkward they just want to hide. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Teen Social Anxiety: Why Your Teen Avoids Socializing (And What to Do About It)

If your teenager refuses to hang out with their peers, it’s important to figure out why. Some teens want to be social but are terrified of making a mistake. Others struggle with intense self-consciousness and teen social anxiety. Some are dealing with depression and don’t have the energy to connect. Others are so caught up in their online world that they don’t seem to care about real-life interactions. There could be countless reasons why your teen isn’t socializing, so let’s take a look at a few of them.

The Teen Who Wants Friends But Has Too Much Social Anxiety

Many teens crave friendships but don’t know how to make them happen. If your teen has extreme social anxiety, they might freeze in conversations. They fear sounding ridiculous, so their mind goes blank, leaving them feeling awkward. At home, they might be chatty, but around peers, they barely speak. It’s frustrating, but they need support to build confidence.

The Teen Who’s Stuck in Their Own Head

Some teens constantly worry about being judged. They talk to friends but overanalyze everything they say. They wonder things like, “do they think I sound weird?” or “are they noticing my acne?” In reality, the other person is likely too busy worrying about themselves to judge your teen. That’s the tough thing about being a teenager: you’re usually VERY self-conscious.

Teen Social Anxiety and Depression: The Teen Who’s Too Depressed for Friends

Some teens feel too depressed to socialize even though they know it might help. Depression is real, and if you’ve never experienced it, understanding it can be difficult. When someone is depressed, even small tasks feel overwhelming. Avoiding friends makes things worse, but they can’t help it. They need patience, support, and sometimes professional help.

The Teen Who’s Glued to Their Screen

Many teens prefer online interactions over face-to-face ones. Gaming, social media, and YouTube can be addictive. It’s tough to break the cycle because your teen insists they’re fine. While online connections can be fun, they don’t replace real-life social skills. Setting screen time limits, encouraging offline hobbies, and planning family activities can help them slowly transition back to real-world interactions. They may resist at first, but over time, they often find that face-to-face connections make them feel more fulfilled and confident.

What to Do About Teen Social Anxiety

When teens avoid social interaction, things only get worse. The good news? Teens can learn social skills, confidence can grow, and emotional well-being can improve with support. In addition to this, therapy can help socially anxious teens work through fears and build skills. Give me a call, and I’d be happy to help your teen work through their social anxiety. Once they start socializing, they often realize it’s not as scary as they thought.

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT