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Bible lying open on table reminding Christians where they can learn about dating. Credit: and digidreamgrafix
Following the guidance of your faith can conflict with culture.
Credit: and digidreamgrafix

Dating for Christian Teens: A Real Talk About Relationships

Hey teens! If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance your parents asked you to check it out, thinking it applies to your situation. And honestly? They might be right—especially when it comes to dating for Christian teens. So let’s dive in!

Christian Teen Dating Today: Why It Feels So Messy

Dating in a world that’s all about “hooking up” can be super frustrating. I hear it all the time from teens. Some of you don’t want to make out with someone before you even go on a real date. You don’t think you need to be drunk to figure out if you like someone. And you’re tired of everyone having a “thing” or being “just talking” without any real commitment. Sound familiar?

What Does the Bible Say About Christian Teen Dating?

The Bible doesn’t lay out a step-by-step guide for modern dating, but it does talk about relationships, marriage, respect, and commitment. Some key stories give us a peek into love done right—and wrong:

  • Lust gone wrong – David and Bathsheba: 2 Samuel 11-12 (yeah, that was a mess)

  • Jealousy in relationships – Leah and Rachel with Jacob: Genesis 29:14-30:24

  • Dating with commitment in mind – Solomon and his beloved: Song of Solomon

  • The importance of family involvement – Isaac and Rebekah: Genesis 24

Keeping Your Christian Teen Dating Relationships Real and Faith-Centered

One thing that’s super clear? God doesn’t want you to date in secret. If you feel like you have to hide it from your parents or your church family, something’s off. Either you’re pushing boundaries you shouldn’t be, or the person you’re dating doesn’t share your faith. Your relationship with God should be consistent—whether you’re in church, with friends, or on a date.

Making Smart Choices No Matter Your Faith 

Even if you’re not a Christian, you can still apply this to your own dating life. What you do in private and what you do in public should always line up. Also, your dating life should align with your morals and values no matter what. See? Even if you’re not a Christian, you can still use this!

Balancing Parental Expectations and Your Own Choices

I get that some of you have parents that make it hard to date. Some of you have super strict parents who don’t even let you think about dating. Others of you have parents who let you do whatever you want. Neither extreme is great—one can lead to sneaking around, and the other can leave you unprotected emotionally and physically. A healthy balance is preferable, but try to stay true to God and your faith no matter what—even if your parents make it tough sometimes.

Tips for Christian Teen Dating Without Losing Your Faith (or Your Mind!)

If you want to keep Jesus at the center of your dating life, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Date someone who is even more dedicated to Jesus than you are. This will help you grow and mature in your faith. Plus, you can go to church and serve the community together. This makes helping out more fun! Also, it makes dating more meaningful.

2. Know why you’re dating. If you already know you’re going separate ways after high school, keep things light and fun. Don’t get too serious if there’s no future in it. Besides, if you run into each other later on in life, this keeps getting back together and dating more seriously a possibility!

3.Keep your relationship out in the open. The more public and accountable you are, the less temptation you’ll face. Plus, it just makes things easier.

4. Be friends with everyone, but be selective about who you date. As Christians, we’re called to love and respect everyone, no matter their beliefs. But when it comes to dating, make sure the person shares your values. Your relationship with Jesus should never have to compete with your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

    Final Thoughts on Dating for Christian Teens

    Dating as a Christian teen doesn’t have to be stressful or confusing. Keep your faith first, be real with the people who care about you, and set healthy boundaries. You got this!

    Helping teens grow and families improve connection,

    Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT