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Admitting We’re Wrong: For Teens

Admitting We’re Wrong: For Teens

Choosing to admit a mistake can be really difficult. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /
Choosing to admit a mistake can be really difficult.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Why is Admitting We’re Wrong Important 

It’s hard to admit we’re wrong. I know; I’ve been there. It’s important to acknowledge mistakes not just in relationships, but in life too. Rather than cover up a mistake, it’s better to admit you’ve done wrong and accept the consequences. Continuing in the mistake only leads to much greater consequences when it all unravels later. 

What to Do When You Make a Mistake   

There are three choices you can make when you do something wrong, and it’s important to pick the right one. Everyone faces these choices at some point (including me!), but not everyone makes the right decision (spoiler alert! Admitting we’re wrong is always best).  

Choice #1: Ignore the Problem 

You could pretend the problem doesn’t exist and hope it goes away on its own. Unfortunately, this is not only dishonest, but it can lead to huge consequences if the issue doesn’t go away by itself. 

Choice #2: Try to Cover Up for the Mistake 

You could try to get people to act differently or get rid of the evidence of your mistake. This isn’t the right choice either because, again, it’s dishonest and it doesn’t usually work.  

Choice #3: Admit You Were Wrong 

Choice #3 is the right decision to make, but it’s also the toughest. It feels shameful to tell people you’ve messed up on something when you should have known better, and it doesn’t feel good to face consequences. However, fixing the problem instead of running from it can prevent a lot of damage. 

Examples of When Admitting We’re Wrong is Important  

For example, a client of mine rolled their eyes at a teacher. Instead of admitting they were wrong, they denied their fault. Then they complained to a friend about the teacher but the teacher overheard, and now they’re really in trouble. As you can see here, admitting we’re wrong is hard, but it’s important to do it. 

Admitting We’re Wrong Builds Trust 

If you can get into the habit of admitting errors before they blow up into something big, you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble. People will trust you when you say things. They’ll know you’re not guilty of something when you say you didn’t do it. Why? Because you admit you did do it when you’re guilty. 


Helping teens grow and families improve connection, 

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT 


Teens in Abusive Dating Relationships

Teens in Abusive Dating Relationships

Abuse in dating relationships is very hard for adolescents. Image courtesy of FrameAngel at
Abuse in dating relationships is very hard for adolescents.
Image courtesy of FrameAngel at 

The Different Types of Abusive Dating Relationships 

Unfortunately, sometimes teens get stuck in abusive dating relationships. There are three main types of abusive dating relationships: emotional, physical, and sexual. While this is definitely an uncomfortable topic, it is one I see in my office with my teenage clients at least once a month. That’s very common. Because of that, it’s important to know how teens are abused and what to do about it. 

Teens in Emotionally Abusive Relationships 

Emotional abuse is the most common form of abuse discussed by my clients. This happens when a client has a boyfriend or girlfriend who says and does things to manipulate a certain outcome. There are a few ways this can happen. 

1. An Ex Threatens Suicide

Sometimes an ex will threaten suicide after a breakup. This heaps guilt on your teen, who consequentially starts talking to the ex again. This forces the teen to stay in a pressured, awful relationship. 

2. Constant Criticism

Other times the abuser will be mean to and critical of your teen. After being consistently berated by their boyfriend or girlfriend, your teen will no longer have the self-esteem to end the relationship.

3. Drinking and Drugs

The abuser might get into drinking or drugs. This is confusing for your teen who might start lying for the abuser or even drinking and using themselves just to be with their boyfriend or girlfriend. 

4. Financial Abuse

Lastly, sometimes the relationship gets out of balance, and your teen feels like they must impress their significant other to keep them around. Consequently, they start spending money on expensive hobbies or trips for them and their boyfriend or girlfriend. 

Teens in Physically Abusive Dating Relationships    

Sadly, physical abuse occurs in teen dating relationships as well. It often begins with your teenager becoming isolated from his or her friends and spending all their time with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead. Your teen might seem upset and withdrawn. They’ve lost the energy and spark they used to have. You start to wonder what is going on. 

How Physically Abusive Relationships Progress 

Your teen might have a great relationship at first. Your teen and their boyfriend or girlfriend might have discussed going to the same college or even getting married eventually. The relationship seems really serious considering their age.  

When the Abuse Starts 

Then the arguments start. One person has trouble controlling their emotions and reverts to yelling and cursing. Eventually the fight results in one person hitting the other. It probably isn’t anything too violent the first time, just a small push or slap. The abuser profusely apologizes and is on their best behavior for a few weeks. Then they become edgy, and eventually another fight starts resulting in more physical abuse. The cycle goes on and on, with the abuse getting worse each time.  

Teens in Sexually Abusive Dating Relationships   

Sexual abuse is any form of sexual activity that is unwanted and/or exploits the victim. This happens in teenage dating relationships from time to time. Sexual abuse usually happens when a couple is already sexually active. One partner says they don’t want to have sex anymore or secretly doesn’t want to, but the other coerces them into it. It’s not rape because the reluctant teen gave their consent, but unwanted sexual activity is never okay.  

Sexual Abuse Through Phones 

Another way sexual abuse occurs is through your teenager’s phone. Sadly, it’s normal for teenagers to ask each other to send nude pictures through text or an app. It is normally the boys asking the girls, but it goes both directions. Unwanted pressure to send nude selfies is awful. Check in with your teen to see if they’ve been asked and find out what they did about it. If the recipient of the image shows a friend or two, or texts it to someone else, that’s a major violation of privacy. If the teens are minors, it’s actually distribution of child pornography. 

What to Do If Your Teen’s in an Abusive Dating Relationship 

Dating is a normal part of the teenage experience. It helps them mature, and they can have a lot of fun with it. However, there’s also a lot of things to watch for. There is a lot to warn your child about. Help them if they are being abused in any way. Help them feel safe to talk about it and empower them to do something about it. Please call if you need additional support in helping your teenager through this heartbreaking situation. 


Helping teens grow and families improve connection, 

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

How to Help Teens Having Suicidal Thoughts

How to Help Teens Having Suicidal Thoughts

What to Do If Your Teen is Having Suicidal Thoughts 

As a parent, if your teen is having suicidal thoughts you are going through one of the scariest things imaginable. Some people overlook or discount it when teens express that they are having thoughts like these because they don’t want to believe their teens are suicidal. Some teens say things like that for attention, but many of them are serious. Because of that, it’s too dangerous to assume teens are seeking attention when they threaten suicide. It is best to take these threats very seriously and then take the correct steps to deal with the crisis. 

Questions to Ask Your Teen

If your teen says they’re having suicidal thoughts or are feeling suicidal, you need to immediately ask them a few questions. Here are the things you need to ask them: 

  1. How long have you felt like this?
  2. Can you identify why you feel this way? Has something bad happened lately?
  3. Do you have a plan for how you’d take your life?
  4. Do you intend to go through with it?
  5. Have you ever tried it before?

What to Do If Your Teen Intends to Go Through With it 

If the answer to question #4 is yes, you need to take immediate action. Many parents struggle with this because they have to take decisive action when they want to panic. You need to stop whatever you are doing and drive your teen straight to the emergency room. This is considered an emergent issue.  

Why Doing this May Feel Weird to You 

You will feel strange about doing so because you don’t see your teen bleeding, vomiting, etc., and it seems like people should appear physically ill to go to the emergency room. However, the staff at the ER will not think it is odd that you’ve brought your teen. In fact, they will see it as appropriate. Don’t hem and haw if your child intends to harm themself. Sometimes even spending a few days in a hospital can really change your teen’s outlook. 

How to Act if They Don’t Intend to Go Through with Suicide 

If the answers to 2, 3 and/or 5 are yes, but 4 is no, you need to call for a counseling appointment right away. For as long as your teen is having suicidal thoughts, they should receive help from a therapist. Also, ask your teen daily whether they’ve changed their mind and intend to go through with suicide so you know whether or not to go to the ER. Help your teenager create a plan in case their mood deteriorates further. Sit down with your teen and work with them to write out a list of names and phone numbers to call when they are feeling particularly awful. Tell them if it becomes really serious, they need to call 9-1-1. 

Removing Dangerous Objects 

On your part, make sure your teenager does not have access to lethal items. Remember when your child was two and you were very careful to keep poisons locked up and knives out of reach? It’s a lot like that. If you have a gun, keep it locked in the safe and change the code in case your teenager knows the code. Go through the medicine cabinets and remove pills that are dangerous if taken in great quantities. Remove your knives and other sharp objects from the home. I know this is a huge hassle, but it is an important precaution. Think of other potentially dangerous objects and keep them from your teen too. You want to make it very inconvenient for your teen to try harming him or herself because it buys time if they are in trouble. 

How to Respond if Your Teen is Having Suicidal Thoughts 

Please take it very seriously if your teen threatens suicide. It is not the time to react in anger toward your teen. Your anger is likely stemming from fear. It is time to take charge and quickly take action. You can express anger and fear later. 

What to Do if Your Teen Expresses Suicidal Thoughts for Attention 

Also, I’d like to address the teen who says they’re having suicidal thoughts for attention. If you react in the ways described above, then they usually learn their lesson. But like I said, you shouldn’t act like that in case they are serious. It’s important to be careful if a teen says they’re having suicidal thoughts. However, if it’s clear you’re angry or scared, they probably feel embarrassed for saying something like that when they didn’t mean it. Also, if they go to that extreme to get attention, then they clearly need some attention. Giving it to them is not a bad thing. 

Keeping Your Teen Safe 

I know this is an unimaginably tough thing to deal with. It’s something you never want to face. It causes a sick, panicky feeling in a parent. You may have never felt so little control over your child’s well-being. Take a deep breath and then purposely walk through the steps you need to take to help your teen be safe. 

Helping teens grow and families improve connection, 

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT 



Teen Happiness

Teen Happiness

Being happy means knowing it's not about you. Image courtesy of stockimages at

Being happy means knowing it’s not about you.
Image courtesy of stockimages at

The Struggle with Teen Happiness 

As parents, sometimes it seems impossible to bring your teen happiness. However, keeping your child happy is not as hard as it may seem.  

The Teen’s Approach to Attaining Happiness 

Teens are constantly encouraging each other to pursue what feels good in the moment. They have a “You only live once” attitude. This is what teens do for happiness. 

 The Parent’s Approach to Bringing Their Teen Happiness 

As parents, we tell our teens that their future is what’s important. We care about their grades, conduct, reputation, and attitude. We tell them, “We just want you to be happy,” but we don’t let them play video games until 2 a.m. on a school night. Somehow, we know that’s not good for them even though it makes them happy. 

Who’s Right?  

Are teenagers correct in thinking you should do whatever feels good in the moment? Are we parents right, who think living should be for our future happiness and goals? Could we both be wrong? 

 Problems with Living for the Moment 

If you only ever live in the present, then everything is momentarily gratifying. However, teens who indulge themselves whenever they feel like it will never have permanent happiness. Once they experience something, they will need a bigger activity/item to bring them the same emotional high. While watching a movie until 10:00 p.m. might have thrilled your child at one point, now they’ll want to stay up all night at a friend’s house for the same feeling. 

Consequences that Come from Living for the Moment 

Also, bad decisions can be made when teens try to bring themselves happiness using this mindset. An adolescent might have sex with someone they don’t love, try drugs or alcohol, or cheat on a test. 

 Problems with Living for the Future 

On the other hand, if you live only for your future, you will still be unhappy. What a waste to have all the gifts of youth and enjoy none of them. When was the last time you could sprint after your friend while laughing hysterically and not get winded or sore? How long ago was it that you could go out tanning without worrying about skin cancer? When did it last sound like fun to get a block of ice and slide down a long grass hill while trespassing at midnight? You can’t be so focused on your future that you miss everything in front of you. 

A Better Answer to Teen Happiness 

Now that we’ve exhausted the two most common ways people try to become happy, what’s left? What I am going to propose would be a major shift in your teenager’s thinking. For that kind of shift to take place, you will have to lead the way. Start seeking opportunities to serve others. Show your teen that to achieve lasting happiness you have to focus on something bigger than yourself. That is the real key to teen happiness, helping your child look beyond themself. 

Helping Your Teen Find Purpose 

It is your job to help your teenager know why they’re here on Earth. If you teach your teenager that their purpose is to attain status and things, then that’s what they’ll pursue. This will leave your child unfulfilled and empty. Their purpose must be a timeless and selfless one. In my family, our purpose is to be dedicated followers of Jesus Christ. We believe this will create a compassionate heart, driven and focused attitude, and happy child. If you don’t choose to go the faith-based route, choose some way to serve others. True teen happiness comes from looking outward, not inward. 


Helping teens grow and families improve connection, 

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT 


Better Connection With Your Teen

Better Connection With Your Teen

Sharing with teenagers Image courtesy of Ambro at
Sharing with teenagers
Image courtesy of Ambro at

Have A Better Connection With Your Teen

To have a better connection with your teen, you have to remember what it felt like. Next, you have to tell stories. Your teenager loves to hear about your ups and downs. If you handle it right, they will learn from your mistakes.

Telling Stories to Teenagers to Build Connection

Teenagers feel comfortable with adults who can tell stories that relate to the teen’s reality.  If your teenager is occasionally drinking at a party, your teen will respond well to stories about what you did at parties when you were a teenager.  Your past can be a place of connection between you and your child. Surprisingly, this is a way to show empathy.

What If Your Teen Is Totally Different Than You Were?

Maybe your teenage years were vastly different from your own child.  Perhaps you were a popular athlete, and your kid is an unpopular mathlete.  Even if you didn’t have the same exact experience, you can still relate.  

There were days when you felt uncomfortable in your own skin and days when you didn’t like your parents.  You still had moments of triumph and moments of defeat.  Having the exact same experiences is not the important thing.  The important thing is helping your adolescent understand that you also had to figure out who you were; it wasn’t easy then either. Their knowing this helps you build better connection with your teen.

Making a Better Connection: How Much to Share With A Teenager

Be discretionary in what you share with your teenager.  Don’t overshare.  You don’t want to tell your child things that are going to cause them emotional harm. Stay focused on the goal of building connection with your teen, which means sharing at the level of their maturity.

For example, some parents dealt with teen pregnancy when they were younger.  They might have terminated the pregnancy, or given the baby up for adoption.  Some teens will respond well to this information, but some will feel devastated.  You know your child well and have to be discerning about when to share what and in how much detail.

An Example of When to Hold Back

I know a parent who drank a lot and used drugs throughout high school.  Sharing this with his child would not be wise in his particular case.  This is because his son would use the information as permission to drink and do drugs. He knew not to tell his son because his son seemed to glorify the druggie lifestyle. While this provides an opportunity to build connection with your teen, this dad knew it would be counter-productive. 

An Example of Effective Sharing to Build Connection with your Adolescent

I’ve knew another mother who experimented with drugs when she was younger.  She chose to share this with her teenage daughter because the daughter listened when the mom told her about some painful consequences. In this case, the daughter saw it as something to learn from.

Tip for Building Better Connection with Your Teen: Don’t Lecture

You don’t want to turn your past stories into an opportunity to lecture your child. This turns teenagers off to you instead of helping teens build better connection with you.

You want it to be a conversation that leads them to feel safe sharing with you too.  Don’t use a thinly veiled story from your past as a criticism of your teenager’s current behavior, or as a criticism of their friends.  Just tell your story without implying any judgement on anyone else.

Disclosing parts of your past to your children can be enormously beneficial for them.  It can help them understand why you are the way you are as a parent.  Your child will learn from mistakes they don’t have to make.  It can help your kid feel like you relate to what they are going through. Disclosing about your past is an excellent opportunity to build stronger connection with your teen.

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Teen

Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Teen

Father and teen son with a strong relationship lying next to one another companionably. Image courtesy of photostock at
Having a good parent-child relationship with a teenager isn’t impossible.
Image courtesy of photostock at

Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Teen

It is extremely important to actively work on your relationship with your teenager.  It is such a big deal to your teenager that in their own way, they will let you know if it’s not being done properly. Teens want you to strengthen your relationship with them. 

How Teens Show You They Want a Better Relationship

They don’t often sit you down to have a chat about how you should spend more time together.  Instead teenagers act out by getting poor grades, experimenting with drugs or alcohol, becoming sexually active, or being rude towards you at home, etc. (There are other reasons teens might behave this way too; it’s not one size fits all).

Steps You Can Take to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Teen

In order to build a stronger relationship with your teenager, there are some things you can do.  Start with obvious common ground.  

Start with Common Ground

I worked with one teenage boy that hadn’t spoken a word to his father in two years, and they lived in the same house.  His father knew the boy liked certain music from the seventies.  The father had some of the music on vinyl, so he set up his old record player.  He started playing his old albums and didn’t say a word.  That got the teenage boy to come out of his room at look at what was going on.  His father simply asked him if he’d like to see what other records there were.  The teenage boy said he would, and looked through them with his father standing there.  

They didn’t say anything to one another, but they were spending time together. The dad stregthened his relationship with his teen through music.  The father bought concert tickets and invited the boy.  When they went to the concert, the father was very careful not to say anything judgmental about his son, any of the concert-goers, or on any topic for that matter.  Over time the boy began to trust his father not to be critical (a past problem between these two).  After a year of very slow progress, there is now a real relationship between father and son.

Mark, a therapist on our team, has already raised his teens. He worked very hard to find common ground with both kids. Although hard at the time, it has paid dividends now that they are fully grown.

Don’t Force It, But Don’t Do Nothing

Assess where you are in your relationship with your teen.  Start right there.  Don’t try and force something that doesn’t exist, and don’t try and make it happen too quickly.  

Be Non-Judgemental

Take your time and be patient.  Be very cognizant of how many judgments you are making.  It is a great idea to keep those to yourself.  Be aware of how defensive you are feeling.  Remember that you don’t have to respond if your teenager says something offensive, responding is up to you. Sometimes what you don’t say to your teen helps strengthen your relationship.

Prioritize Your Teen

Make your teenager a priority.  I guarantee you have some unimportant priorities that seem very big to you.  I know that for a fact because we all do.  My ridiculous priority that sometimes gets put in front of relationship with my kids is cleanliness.  I get so worked up if the house isn’t clean, that I miss valuable time with them.  

What are your unnecessary priorities?  Is it work? Golf? Football? Exercise?  All those things are great, and so is a clean house.  They just aren’t great when they become the thing that MUST be done before having focused time with your family. Out of order priorities weaken instead of strengthen your relationship with teen children.

Stronger Relationships with Teens Mean No Blame-Game

A lot of parents come to me and blame their teens for disrupted relationships.  Frequently, they tell me that it was much better a couple years ago while they still had an elementary school aged child.  However, elementary school aged children usually go with the flow more and do what you say.  Typically, they will take an interest in what you’re doing in order to get your attention.  

Once you have teens, they think for themselves.  They know what they find enjoyable.  Even though that might be a little bit different than what you like to do, it doesn’t mean they prefer you not be around. They just prefer you leave if you consistently criticize what they like to do.  So instead, consider taking an interest in it.  Then you still have an influence on, and still get to spend time with your kid.

Wrapping Up

Developing a stronger relationship with your teenager takes intentionality and work. Unfortunately, adolescents aren’t usually the ones who will make the first step. You might feel like your efforts are falling on deaf ears (It’s even worse when that feels intentional). However, at the end of the day, strengthening your relationship with your teen is essential. You have almost finished raised your child. Don’t give up now even though it feels frustrating and hard!

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT