Social anxiety is really hard for those who deal with it. There is nearly a feeling of panic each time an uncomfortable social situation arises. This can range from meeting new friends, to attending something with a large group of people, to a fear of being...
A Follow-Up to How To Repond if Your Teen Announces They’re LGB or T
If your teen tells you he/she is LGB or T, there is a lot for you to consider. Your intial reaction is very important. But, if you've already reacted, what you say next is still critical. Your teen has two primary things to accomplish at his age. 1. He needs to find...
Bullying and Gossip Can Ruin A Teen’s Self-Esteem…My Story
6th grade was hell for me. The girls in my carpool used to get out of the car and shut the door before I could get out. They'd walk off as fast as possible so they didn't have to walk with me. When I'd get on the campus and try to stand in the circle of other 6th...
Panic Disorder
I think this poem someone wrote adequately sums up how someone feels who suffers from Panic Attacks. Mental Illness Poem Just wrote how I felt when I have a panic attack. Panic Disorder © Brittany Tightness in my chest I cant breath. The only time I can escape is when...
How To Respond If Your Teens Says, “I’m Gay/Bisexual/Transgender”
Parents, this is a tough one. No matter how accepting and embracing you are towards someone who is not your child being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, I've noticed parents struggle when it's their own child. There are a myriad of reasons ranging from...
Alcohol Addiction Appears To Be Biological and Genetic
Why is it that most people who party as teens don't end up with an alcohol abuse problem? How come an unlucky few end up as alcoholics? Researchers have been experimenting on rats and have found what they believe is a solid link to the human brain in this case....
Be More Honest, It Will Keep You Out Of Trouble
We all mess up. Sometimes it's accidental, and sometimes we make a bad choice. Whatever the case, once we realize there's a problem with our behavior, honestly is the best way out. Yes, you will likely have a consequence, but it's nothing compared to the...
Love The Body You Have
It's hard to love yourself. Teens, it's really hard not to pick out whatever flaw is bothering you and get stuck there. There's always something that could be better. But also, there are always ten things that could be worse. No matter what you look like, it's...
Quick and Easy Anxiety Tip
Anxiety sucks! It's not fun to constantly worry. Here is one basic thing that can help: Helping teens grow and families improve connection, Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT
A Tip For Getting Along Better With Your Teen
It can be hard to get along with teenagers for parents. However, one thing you can do that really helps is to embrace your child's friends. I know you won't like all of them, but trying to talk to them a little really helps. Your teenager wants to know that you...