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Connecting With Teens Instead of Only Disciplining

Connecting With Teens Instead of Only Disciplining

I am enrolled in an 8 week class on how to help parents of adopted children connect better as they bring the new child into their home. While I don’t have any adopted children (hats off to those of you who do- what a loving and selfless act), I have gleaned some very helpful information. I tried one of the techniques on my obstinate 5 year old this week and it helped me feel compassion rather than frustration when he lashed out in anger. I will take compassion towards my children over frustration any day!

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,
Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

Catch Your Teen Being Good

Catch Your Teen Being Good

Catch your kid being good instead of only when they do wrong. Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

Catch your kid being good in order to improve the relationship.
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

When I was an intern my supervisor used to tell me one of her favorite pieces of advice to give parents was to, “Catch your kid being good.”  She’d say that so often by the time a parent brings their child into counseling, they are at their wits end with their child.  She’d say exasperated parents make impatient parents; impatient parents make parents who are overly focused on the negative; parents who are overly focused on the negative make critical parents; critical parents make irritable children.

I see this in my counseling office on a pretty regular basis.  It’s not that the parents who are coming in are bad parents, or are unloving to their teenagers.  Most of the time they love their teens tremendously, but are just overwhelmed with how to help them stay on track.  Some resort to the tactic of trying to correct things as they see them.  This is fine when the relationship is in a good place.  However, if the relationship is strained then it doesn’t tend to work very well.

If you are wondering whether you might be in this cycle with your adolescent, try something different for a week and see if it helps.  As my former supervisor, Leslie Gustafson used to say, “Catch your kid being good.”

What does that mean?  We are quick to comment on, and punish our kids for doing bad.  If they score a low grade on a test, tell a lie, sneak, sass, etc., we feel we must do something about it.  When our kids are respectful, do their chores on time, are honest, etc. we think that should be status quo.  We tend to say nothing much about it because we think that’s how it should be anyway.  We save the praise for A’s on tests, going above and beyond around the house, or when our kids randomly show us extra appreciation.

For this week, try making affirming comments when you see your child just doing the status quo.  When you notice your teenager doing anything small that is the “right” thing to do, praise them.  Maybe you came home from work and noticed they had started their homework on their own.  Instead of saying, “See, isn’t it easier when you start your homework early?” which comes across as a little condescending, say, “That’s awesome that you take initiative to get your work done!”  If your teenager clears their dish after dinner, thank them.  Try to resist the urge to then remind them they also need to wipe down the table.

You have the power to change the interaction with your teenager, and the power to influence their attitude.  All it takes is a few words of praise when they are doing the small things right.  You will be kinder to them because chances are, there are parts of them that are a really good kid.  There’s also a good chance they will enjoy the praise, and want to keep doing that thing you commented on in order to get more praise from you.

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

Should I Let My Teenager Struggle?  When to Intervene

Should I Let My Teenager Struggle? When to Intervene

Raising happy, healthy adults can mean letting our teens "skin their knees." Image credit: stockimages at

Raising happy, healthy adults can mean letting our teens “skin their knees.”
Image credit: stockimages at

About a month ago my elementary aged daughter kept forgetting to bring home her homework.  At first I drove her back to school.  I told her comforting things like, “No worries.  Everyone makes mistakes.”  Then it became a pattern.  I started to struggle with the question every parent faces, which is ‘When do I let my kid experience failure and when do I rescue?’  Finally I told her that starting the following week she’d have to just live with the consequences.  Interestingly she hasn’t forgotten her homework folder since then.

I’m guessing if you’re reading this, your child is older and you are facing some situation where you have to decide how to best help.  Is this a time where you let your teenager cope with their sadness/anger/stress/frustration?  Is this a situation where you step in because it is simply too much for a teenager to handle on their own?  These are two of the toughest questions we face as parents.

I have worked with a number of teens whose parents have always intervened for them.  I bet you can guess the result.  These teenagers are indecisive and scared of the world.  They do not know how to deal with anything uncomfortable.  If there is a class that is too difficult, their parents have called the school counselor to help them switch out.  If there is a job they don’t like, their parents have let them quit.  Unfortunately these teenagers have been taught they are completely unable to cope with discomfort.  Until they learn otherwise, they will have a very challenging adulthood.

On the other hand, there are parents that force their kids to stick through absolutely everything.  There is a time when it is appropriate to quit.  This refers to unhealthy dating relationships, unhealthy friendships, making a wrong choice and stopping the course, etc.  It’s not that parents ask their kids to continue these particular activities, but their kids have internalized the idea that it is never okay to quit anything.  These kids have to learn when to just let something go, which is often a challenge for them.

So, as a mom or dad, how do you deal with this dilemma?  As carefully as you can, you try and guide your children.  It’s important to always keep the big picture in mind.  What do I want my teenager to learn from this situation?  The big goal is to raise healthy, functional adults.  As a parent, what do I do in this scenario that helps my teen reach the big goal?  This is more important than them feeling good about something right now.  Do I call my kid out of school today because they aren’t ready for that math test, or do I let them get a failing grade because the painful lesson will make them more responsible in the future?  Every choice has its consequences.

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,

Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

Firm and Compassionate Parenting

Firm and Compassionate Parenting

Hand holding a heart representing firm and loving parenting.
Integrity is learned best by your example. Image courtesy of Teerapun /

Parenting is a roller coaster for all of us. Last night my usually level-headed, even-keeled daughter lost her mind because I asked her not to use her brother’s art supplies. This was incredibly uncharacteristic, but hey, we all have off moments. She was asked to go “take a break” for 30 minutes in her room. I didn’t want to give her a negative consequence because this outburst was so unlike her that I figured she could reset if she could calm down for a bit.

Instead of hearing this as a chance to regroup, she became more angry and started yelling at me. At that point I was forced to inform her she’d have to go to bed even though it was an hour early. She cried, begged, and pleaded for this not to be the case.

As a therapist I was keenly aware of how crucial this moment was in parenting her. If I chose to give in to her sincere apologies and entreaties to roll back her consequence, then I’d teach her she can negotiate with me. If I chose to repeatedly remind her, “This is all your fault,” then I’d be callous and harsh. My husband and I instead chose to hold the line of her consequence while showing her immense compassion. We understand that compassion doesn’t equal soft boundaries. We held her through her tears and talked to her, but still put her to bed. She was still a bit weepy when we kissed her good-night. We reminded her she is deeply loved and tomorrow is a fresh start. However, we did not give in to her desire for a reduced consequence. She felt our love but also understood our line.

I realize this isn’t easy to do. It requires a cool head. You can’t profess some unreasonable consequence in your anger because you’ll almost certainly be required to roll it back later. Or, if you stick to it, you’ll be strongly tempted to put all the responsibility on your teenager in order to justify your own overreaction. Even though my husband and I did it well last night, we are far from perfect in this arena. It’s still a work in progress, and probably always will be.

Here I share a few more thoughts on being both firm and compassionate; I hope it helps:

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,
Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT

Tips for Keeping Teens Safe This Halloween

Tips for Keeping Teens Safe This Halloween

Keep your teens safe on Halloween with these ideas. Image courtesy of samarttiw at

Keep your teens safe on Halloween with these ideas. Image courtesy of samarttiw at

Halloween is on a Thursday.  This is an “uh-oh” for a lot of parents of teenagers.  Many of you have teens who are going to help you pass out candy, or just have a couple of friends over to watch horror movies.  That’s awesome!  Those sound like really healthy, safe ways to celebrate Halloween.

However, some of you have to worry about what your teenager will be doing and who they will be with.  Will they be drinking?  Will they be making-out with random people?  Will they be pulling pranks that might get them into trouble?  Will they be trying some weird drug at a Halloween party?

Here are 5 tips to help keep your teenagers safe this Halloween:

1. Don’t let them wear a costume if you don’t approve.  This is especially important for teenage girls.  They are at an age where they are almost expected to wear a costume that shows way too much skin.  Don’t let your teen out the door dressed as a promiscuous nurse, or provocative version of some comic book character.  You get the idea.  Halloween is a night where inappropriate dress is often accepted; you don’t have to join the crowd and just look the other way.  You can help your teenager dress up in a way where they look cute, but don’t attract the leering eye of every person they walk past.

2.  Check your teenager’s backpack.  Don’t let them leave your house with a backpack unless you know EXACTLY what’s in there.  Open bottles and smell them.  Even the best-behaved teenagers consider drinking on Halloween.  Since Halloween is on a Thursday night (so almost the weekend) the probability that they actually will drink doubles.  Your teenager might have a bottle of what looks like Gatorade, but it may be mixed with vodka.  I’m not saying you can’t trust your kid, but you just never know.  I have seen a great number of teens brought into my office because their very surprised parents caught them drinking or smoking, etc.

3.  Know where your teenager is going, who is driving them, and what the contingency plan is.  If there’s one constant with adolescents it’s that their plans change.  Make sure you and your teenager have gone over exactly what you want them to do if plans change, and how they will get there.  Make sure they communicate with you regularly throughout the night.  If you don’t hear from them at an appointed check-in time, let them know in advance what their consequence will be (The most logical one being that you go pick them up right away).

4.  Have the party at your house.  If you allow your teenager to have a bunch of their friends over then you can control their environment.  You can make sure there’s no alcohol, no making out in random bedrooms, no smoking, and no party-crashers.  You can be certain everyone has a safe ride home at the end of the night.  You get the comfort of knowing your teen is in their own bed at the end of the evening.  The downside to this is that you probably won’t get to bed when you want to, and there will likely be a mess to clean on Friday morning.  However, those might be prices you’re willing to pay to know your child is safe.

5.  Let them trick-or-treat.  A lot of parents have a cap on the age a teenager can trick-or-treat.  I really do understand this.  Overall though walking from house to house where there are a lot of small children and parents around is a pretty safe activity.  Maybe it’s a little tacky to let your seventeen year old collect a pillowcase-full of candy, but would you rather have them doing that or at an unsupervised Halloween party?  Invite them and their trick-or-treating buddies back to your house afterward for scary movies and a pizza.

The basic ideas of keeping your teenager safe on Halloween is that they are in a supervised environment, and you know exactly where they are.  You are in close contact and there is a plan in place.  Definitely let them go and have fun with their friends.  Just remind them this is a chance to earn more trust and freedom from you if they handle this holiday with maturity.

Helping teens grow and families improve connection,
Lauren Goodman, MS, MFT